Sunday, February 22, 2009

AS dolphins cry; Canadian Ears are up and succeeding in Choppng them free!

It took 4 hours but the mammals are free

This is an early video, where the brave Canadians risk life and limb & plan a strategy.  The Dolphins will return and pay ahead the favor soon for all humans. honor the dolphins.

Dolphins Stuck In Ice - Crying For Help. But at Seal Cove these Canadians rescued the dolphins..Yeah. Thanks Canadians. It took them 4 hours.

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Caffine fired Q Prof...speeding (s=D/T) Trough in 8 space time minutes (relatively_)

QM0.1: Postulates of manic-Quantum Mechanics in 8 minutes or no more high octane coffee for the Professor. brought to you by your friendly Master Quantum Mechanic

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Ai walks and talks: enter Human 1.0 toward the Singularity

Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence ; self improvement for Ai. we want computers to "think about thinking"  intelligence explosion 2.0. If a robot injures or murders a human, how do we punish it; Is the creator liable. robot law?

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the Fed allows lots of additives to make food "tasty" & fresh

Electronic Code of Federal Regulations:
Methyl alcohol, not more than 150 parts per million.

Lead (as Pb), not more than 10 parts per million.

Arsenic (as As), not more than 1 part per million.

Carminic acid, not less than 1.8 percent.

(2) Carmine shall conform to the following specifications:

Volatile matter (at 135 °C. for 3 hours), not more than 20.0 percent.

chiefly carminic acid, obtained by an aqueous extraction of cochineal ( Dactylopius coccus costa ( Coccus cacti L.)). Its from a South American crushed beatle

Ash, not more than 12.0 percent.

Lead (as Pb), not more than 10 parts per million.

Arsenic (as As), not more than 1 part per million.

Carminic acid, not less than 50.0 percent.

So the cold war saying:  "better red than dead" should be:  eat red; end up dead...add your own metaphor or

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SparkNotes: Albert Einstein: Times of Peace and War

In the years just preceding Hitler\'s rise to power in Germany in 1933, Einstein spent less and less time in Berlin until he ultimately left the country for good, spending the final two decades of his life at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton. However, one of the major reasons that for Einstein\'s early absences from Germany was not political but health-related; Einstein was consistently falling sick. In February of 1928 he became seriously ill on a visit to Switzerland. To assist him with his correspondence, he hired as his personal secretary Helen Dukas, an intelligent and efficient woman from Swabia. Helen traveled with the Einsteins on lecture tours, moved with them to the United States in 1933, and cared for Einstein after the death of his second wife Elsa in 1936.

SparkNotes: Albert Einstein: Times of Peace and War

Albert Einstein
Behind every great man there seems to one or two great women, which seem to be 'ghost-like' apparitions to historians. How much of Einsteins writing was edited and influenced by this erudite female. The Goddess age has reemerged.--eyeofthe raaven Editor comment

Times of Peace and War
In the years just preceding Hitler\'s rise to power in Germany in 1933, Einstein spent less and less time in Berlin until he ultimately left the country for good, spending the final two decades of his life at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton. However, one of the major reasons that for Einstein\'s early absences from Germany was not political but health-related; Einstein was consistently falling sick. In February of 1928 he became seriously ill on a visit to Switzerland.
Helen traveled with the Einsteins on lecture tours, moved with them to the United States in 1933, and cared for Einstein after the death of his second wife Elsa.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Sacred:West Winds (Arkansas) Damaged in Ice Storm - from Wind Daughter

  • Dear Ones, 
  • Zan, actor teacher, native american healer, counselor/student 
  •     I wanted to let all of you know what is happening here in Arkansas .  Seven days ago we were hit really hard with an ice and snow storm.  This storm came exactly 51 weeks after the tornado hit my little town in Feb. 2008.  Not only did Arkansas receive great damage, but MO. TN. and KY did as well.  From what I have heard, KY received the worst. 
  •  by Wind Daughter at West Winds
    2360312330.jpg     I have been without power now for 7 days and they are expecting it to possibly take at least 2 weeks to get it restored.  I do have intermittent phone service now, but was without for 3 1/2 days.  I had 4 to 10 inches of ice and snow on my flat roof and spent the better part of 3 days chipping it and pushing it to the edge and off to prevent its collapse. Temps were cold so I couldn't work for too long at a stretch.  Most of the ice has melted and the ground is saturated.  I have walked the land close to the house and have about 30 trees down, with many more damaged.  Today I went out for the first time and discovered many more trees along the road that runs the east side of the property.  From the garden area looking out over the valley, there are more down than I can count.  As I drove to town, I witnessed so much damage.  The Tree Nation has taken a very hard hit.
  •    Back home at West Winds, I have been able to stay warm with the wood stove.  I have exhausted the wood pile closest to the house and am now carrying wood from the sweat lodge site.  I pile the wood onto a tarp and drag it back to the house.  I'm thankful that my years of training taught me to always have water drawn up.  I have stored gallons of water in the basement as well as in the pantry.  There are about 80 gallons stored in the cave.
  •    Getting to the cave was an ordeal.  Many branches and a few trees blocked the way.  Crawling over and under I managed to get through.  I did my work as best I could during the daylight.  I used oil lamps at night.  None of the buildings here were damaged.  And all the animals are safe.  I do worry about the wild ones in the woods.  I have a gas stove so have been able to cook.  I heat water to wash dishes and to bathe.
  •    Steven, who has done so much work on the land here, finally made it to West Winds. It took him 4 hours to go 13 miles because of all the trees blocking the roads.  He had a chainsaw and worked his way here. He later brought in a generator (which was a dangerous adventure in itself), and now the fridge and freezer are working.  I have a lamp and can use the computer again.  I finally got all the ice off the porch today.  The forecast is for more rain with temps going into the teens.  Snow is predicted for Tuesday.The ice is worse. As the ice melts, the ground gives way and more trees come down.
  •    The Dance Ground was spared as well as the Medicine Wheel.  The Earth Mound is intact.  All in all everything will be OK.  It could have been much worse.  We have been blessed.
  •    I have asked Pat to please send this out to everyone.  I ask for prayers for all the Tree and Plant People, as well as the animals. 
  •    If anyone has a generator to spare, 'West Winds' could surely use one.  There will be a lot of time and great expense to clear and cut all the trees that are down, as well as taking down the ones that are damaged.  Any help that you can offer will be greatly appreciated. 

  • If you are able to make a donation to help with the West Winds land restoration, please make the check payable to "Wind Daughter" and send it to me at: P.O. Box 2388, Mountain View, AR 72560.  My phone number is: 870/368-7877. 
  • If you can't reach me, please contact Pat at 
  • and let her know that you are trying to contact me.  She will be checking that email daily for me.
  • "West Winds is dedicated as a Spiritual Center for all of you.  I hope you will visit us soon."
  • Wind Daughter Email: 

Who really invented Television?

Broken News:TV©1928 Scotsman-John Logie Baird (1888-1946)©

apparatus: Original TV

"The first person to appear was the office boy from the floor below, a youth named William Taynton, and he, rather reluctantly, consented to submit himself to the experiment. I placed him before the transmitter and went into the next room to see what the screen would show. The screen was entirely blank, and no effort of tuning would produce any result. Puzzled, and very disappointed, I went back to the transmitter, and there the cause of the failure became at once evident. The boy, scared by the intense white light had backed away from the transmitter. In the excitement of the moment I gave him half a crown (then worth 60 cents), and this time he kept his head in the right position. Going again into the next room, I saw his head on the screen quite clearly. It is curious to consider that the first person in the world to be seen by television should have required a bribe to accept that distinction." First TV appearance: Speech to the Royal Academy by Mr. Baird

So now, since Andy warhol, told the public that they would get 15 minutes of fame, no bribes are needed! The speech was given in 1931 and concuded

 Throughout the world the highest scientific thought is being devoted to television. Vast strides have been made, and will be made, in this new art. I myself look forward to seeing, in the not far distant future, television theatres supersede the talkies, and the home "Televisor" become as common as the home radio is to-day.